Habitat requirements for aestivation of Galaxiella nigrostriata during the dry phase of seasonal wetlands. (#139)
Galaxiella nigrostriata is a freshwater fish endemic to seasonal wetlands of south west Western Australia. Galaxiella nigrostriata are intriguing because they aestivate in the wetland sediments when the wetlands dry over summer. Nevertheless, with a drying climate forecast and increasing pressures on groundwater resources that will extend dry phases of seasonal wetlands, this unusual species faces an unknown future. This study examined the summer (dry) habitat requirements of a remnant population of G. nigrostriata within a complex of twelve seasonal wetlands near Bunbury. Two wetlands, that had the highest population densities the previous year, were chosen to investigate whether crayfish burrows were used to access wet sediment (wet from groundwater) when the wetlands dried over summer. Secondary aims were to investigate whether G. nigrostriata followed the water to the lowest point as it dried before they entered the sediments, and if the presence of vegetation affected where they aestivated. Thirty one lentocorrals, a shallow water adaptation of limnocorrals, were constructed in two dry wetlands prior to the onset of winter rains to capture G. nigrostriata as they emerged when the wetlands began to inundate. One wetland did not produce any G. nigrostriata in the lentocorrals or elsewhere within the wetland. However, the other wetland containing 15 lentocorrals produced some interesting results. Galaxiella nigrostriata did not necessarily require crayfish burrows to enter the sediments, they waited until the wetlands were nearly dry before entering the sediment and did so near vegetation. The implications for conservation and wetland rehabilitation will be discussed.