Chair: Danswell Starrs
Depth and space use of coral trout (Plectropomus leopardus) using passive acoustic tracking (#82)
1:45 PM
The importance of natural flow to the recruitment success of an amphidromous shrimp in tropical Northern Australia (#83)
2:00 PM
Divergent thermal performance thresholds in wild, co-habiting stingrays (Dasyatis fluviorum and Trygonoptera testacea) (#84)
2:15 PM
A mobile predator? Variable space and depth use patterns of an exploited coral reef fish (#85)
2:30 PM
Diadromous behaviours of three species of forktail catfish in the Daly River, Northern Territory (#86)
2:45 PM
Hydrological connectivity between wetlands and rivers and its implication for fish biota: a case study for the Flinders catchment in north Queensland (#87)
3:00 PM