Translocation of Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis) from captive bred populations to aid in species recovery — ASN Events

Translocation of Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis) from captive bred populations to aid in species recovery (#310)

Scott Huntley 1 , Iain Ellis 1 , Braeden Lampard 1
  1. Murry Darling Freshwater Research Centre, Mildura, VIC, Australia

Murray hardyhead are a threatened small-bodied native fish species currently limited to three known isolated populations in Victoria and perhaps five in South Australia. Since 2004 management of Murray hardyhead has been problematic due to prolonged drought (the "Millennium Drought"), with captive maintenance and translocation programs established to prevent a state-wide extinction. At least four Victorian populations became extinct during the drought, and the persistence of remaining populations remains tenuous. Lake Koorlong was the first wetland site in Victoria actively managed for the translocation of Murray hardyhead. This poster outlines the details and success of the release of captive bred Murray hardyhead through examination of its population structure and recruitment. We also highlight lessons learnt in regards to the conservation of threatened small-bodied fish species.