Qifeng Ye
South Australian Research and Development Institute, SA, Australia

A/Professor Qifeng Ye is a fish ecologist with extensive experience and a broad research background in freshwater and estuarine ecosystems, including fish ecology, population dynamics and food web dynamics. She has led and participated in numerous multi-disciplinary and multi-institutional projects focused on the Murray-Darling Basin and has secured funding from a range of sources including State and Federal government (~20 million in the past 15 years). Qifeng has an excellent knowledge of applied science for environmental management and restoration, particularly on the habitat and environmental water requirements of native fish and the potential ecological impacts of river regulation in the rivers, estuaries, and coastal wetlands.
Qifeng is the Science leader of SARDI Inland Waters and Catchment Ecology Program and has built a productive research team. She has also made a significant contribution to the research training and has supervised numerous PhD and honours students. Qifeng has been a member of a number of science and management committees/groups at State and national levels, providing scientific advice on fish/fisheries and environmental water management.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Managing flows and carp (#99)
3:00 PM
John Koehn
Alien/Invasive Species
Spatio-temporal variability of native flow-cued spawning fish larvae in association to environmental water in the lower River Murray (#214)
2:30 PM
Juan P Livore
Environmental flows (3)
Multi-decadal biochronologies indicate species-specific responses to environmental change/variability in the River Murray estuary (#128)
11:30 AM
Bronwyn Gillanders
Special Session - Fish and Flows (1)
Modelling recruitment dynamics of carp under different flow scenarios (#98)
2:45 PM
Charles Todd
Alien/Invasive Species