Sharon Every
, NT, Australia
- This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.

I have completed my PhD and now looking for a post doc. I was a recipient of a North Australia Marine Research Alliance scholarship where I was working at AIMS NT under Charles Darwin University and Australian National University. My supervisors and I researched euryhaline and coastal elasmobranchs that are found in the South Alligator River using multiple biomarkers; stable isotopes and fatty acids to determine their trophic ecology. We also used acoustic receivers to monitor the movements of Bull Sharks and are beginning to analysis this data.. My background is in science education, however I wish to continue research in marine ecology.
Presentations this author is a contributor to:
Investigating trophic role of roving apex predators in tropical estuaries across space and time of northern Australia: a case study with euryhaline elasmobranchs (#306)
10:30 AM
Sharon L Every
Morning Tea & Poster Session