Session — ASN Events
Rethinking fisheries management as a combined response to changing climate, habitat & fishing pressure Ecological impacts of extraction during summer low flows on pool refuges in South Coast NSW Standards for the effective management of fisheries bycatch Benthic algal resilience to frequent wet season disturbances by storm flows in low order streams in the Daly River, tropical Australia Biodiversity benefits of erosion control plantings in the lakes Alexandrina and Albert, lower River Murray, South Australia South lake: I know what you did last summer! Assessment of eco-labelling schemes for Pacific tuna fisheries Do recolonization processes in intermittent streams have sustained effects on benthic algal density and assemblage composition? Ensuring an enduring legacy: the multiple stories of the Native Fish Strategy The global need to recognise and manage intermittently flowing rivers and streams The resilience of aquatic plants to wet season flood disturbance and dry season succession in the Daly River, tropical Australia. The hard slog: Progress towards a National Carp Biocontrol Program. Ecogenomic tracing of trophic connectivity in tropical coastal and freshwater fish communities. Ecogenomic tracing of trophic connectivity in tropical coastal and freshwater fish communities. Regulated recruitment: native and alien fish responses to widespread floodplain inundation in the Macquarie Marshes, arid-Australia. The Kimberley Ark: assessing and conserving freshwater fish biodiversity in Australia’s last pristine river systems Latitudinal variation in larval development of coral reef fishes: implications for a warming ocean Lakes sensitivity to climate change and nutrients availability: a coupled hydrodynamic ecological modelling study Use of a DIDSON acoustic camera improves fishway assessment results and understanding of fish migratory behaviour. A Case Study for Measuring Outcomes from Large Management Interventions on Fishes: The Murray River Resnagging Experiment Fishing for revenue: how leasing quota can be hazardous to your health (AWARD TALK) Exploring the spatial structure of free-ranging fish groups using digital imaging technique: a practical example with a shoaling drift-feeding fish (Galaxias anomalus). Opening the flood gates: the compromises necessary to achieve environmental flow releases An experimental analysis of assignment problems and economic rent dissipation in quota managed fisheries The low down on threatened paragalaxiids: interactions between fish ecology, habitats and hydrology are critical to population viability