Ensuring an enduring legacy: the multiple stories of the Native Fish Strategy — ASN Events

Ensuring an enduring legacy: the multiple stories of the Native Fish Strategy (#102)

Fern Hames 1 , Anthony Townsend 2 , Greg Ringwood 3 , Pam Clunie 1 , Jonathan McPhail 4
  1. Department of Primary Industries, Arthur Rylah Institute for Environmental Research, Heidelberg, Victoria, Australia
  2. NSW Department of Primary Industries, Conservation Action Unit, Calala, NSW, Australia
  3. River Health and Habitat Restoration, Brisbane, Queensland, Australia
  4. PIRSA, Adelaide, South Australia, Australia

The Native Fish Strategy (NFS) is a long term approach to restoring the native fish populations of the Murray-Darling Basin. Since 2003, the NFS program has identified threats, developed and implemented effective management actions, and evaluated the response. The NFS has also embraced connecting with people and worked in partnership with a wide range of stakeholders, including and beyond the scientific community.
After a decade of NFS research, action and partnerships, the myriad forms of engagement employed throughout the program are explored, with a particular focus on those used to ensure that the legacy of the NFS is available to all; scientists, NRM practitioners, and the broader community. A range of engagement tools were used during the NFS including printed materials, online platforms, hands on activities and face to face networking. This diversity of methods recognised the wide ranging audiences that have multiple perspectives and multiple methods of accessing information across the Basin.
The NFS legacy products include traditional forms of science communication, such as a special edition of a peer reviewed journal for the scientific community, as well as emerging communication platforms for the wider community. These online products include a comprehensive website for multiple users, a set of short videos on the flagship Demonstration Reach program, an interactive Demonstration Reach Toolbox for NRM practitioners, and the Talking Fish booklets and radio programs. To understand the effectiveness of these platforms, it is essential that monitoring programs are established, guiding investment in future programs.