Meeting the requirement of recreational fisheries data for Integrated Fisheries Management — ASN Events

Meeting the requirement of recreational fisheries data for Integrated Fisheries Management (#220)

Karina Ryan 1 , Fiona Crowe 1 , Anthony Hart 1 , Eva Lai 1 , Claire Smallwood 1 , Fabian Trinnie 1 , Brent Wise 1 , Norm Hall 1
  1. Department of Fisheries, WA Fisheries and Marine Research Laboratories, Hillarys, WA

Catch allocation among fishing sectors requires credible data for decision-making, allocation and management. In 2004, Integrated Fisheries Management (IFM) policy was adopted in Western Australia. Three multi-sector species have been allocated: Western Rock Lobster (WRL) (Panulirus cygnus) with allocations of 95% commercial, 5% recreational and 1t customary; Roe’s abalone (Haliotis roei) with allocations of 36t commercial, 40t recreational and 500kg customary; and West Coast Demersal Scalefish (WCDSF) with allocations of 64% commercial and 36% recreational. While total commercial catch are obtained from statutory return obligations, recreational catch estimates depend upon the nature of the fishery and spatial and temporal scales of the resource. The WRL recreational fishery has a specific fishing licence (~40,000 annually), and covers large spatial and temporal scales. Mail surveys supplemented with occasional phone surveys have provided a cost effective method of monitoring this fishery over 27 years. The Roe’s abalone recreational fishery has a specific fishing licence (~15,000 annually) and operates over a limited temporal scale allowing data collection from onsite surveys. The WCDSF had no specific licence until the Recreational Fishing from Boat Licence was introduced in 2010 (~125,000 annually). A phone-diary survey provides harvest estimates with high precision for key species. In 2014, the lower West Coast Blue Swimmer Crab (Portunus armatus) fishery was identified for IFM with allocations and ongoing monitoring yet to be formalised. Monitoring and managing allocations are an ongoing process, with routine surveys of recreational catches required to provide estimates with a known confidence that are comparable with other sectors.