Morning Tea & Poster Session — ASN Events
10:30AM - 11:30AM
Ground Floor Foyer
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Ecological impacts of extraction during summer low flows on pool refuges in South Coast NSW (#300)

10:30 AM
Robyn Bevitt

Connecting science with management in a multi-tenure, cross-border landscape - Strategic Adaptive Management in the Lake Eyre Basin (#301)

10:30 AM
Sonia Colville

Performance of Small Mesh Drift nets in Rivers (#302)

10:30 AM
Alan Couch

Environmental drivers of depth use by an exploited reef fish (#303)

10:30 AM
Leanne M Currey

Persistent Waterholes in an Arid-zone River – Surprising Diversity and Abundance on the mid-Finke (#304)

10:30 AM
Angus Duguid

What’s the angle? Could trout angling benefit threatened native fish species in the ACT? (#305)

10:30 AM
Lisa Evans

Investigating trophic role of roving apex predators in tropical estuaries across space and time of northern Australia: a case study with euryhaline elasmobranchs (#306)

10:30 AM
Sharon L Every


10:30 AM
Caroline A Forest

Long term water quality monitoring in the Intersecting Streams (#308)

10:30 AM
Tracy Fulford

Nutrient release from inundated terrestrial vegetation in the Enlarged Cotter Reservoir (#309)

10:30 AM
Sally Hatton

Translocation of Murray hardyhead (Craterocephalus fluviatilis) from captive bred populations to aid in species recovery (#310)

10:30 AM
Scott Huntley

Parenting behaviour in threatened paragalaxiids of the Tasmanian central plateau. (#311)

10:30 AM
Kevin Macfarlane

The likelihood of floodgate opening (saline intrusion) causing conditions that promote algal blooms and fish kills in a coastal lagoon. (#312)

10:30 AM
Gaia McNeil

Murray River crayfish: could they be a key surrogate species for freshwater conservation? (#313)

10:30 AM
Mae M Noble

Mapping giant clams (Tridacnidae) in the Northern Territory, Australia using a novel remote video system (#314)

10:30 AM
Shane Penny

Spatial, temporal and size-based trophic analyses of albacore tuna using stable isotopes and fatty acids. (#315)

10:30 AM
Heidi R Pethybridge

Ecogenomic tracing of trophic connectivity in tropical coastal and freshwater fish communities. (#316)

10:30 AM
Tom Rayner

Integrated Ecosystem Condition Assessment (#317)

10:30 AM
Christine Reid

Comparative phylogeography of four aquatic species from the Murray-Darling Basin (#318)

10:30 AM
Peter Unmack

The gill net selectivity of four teleost species in south-western Australian estuaries (#319)

10:30 AM
Daniel E Yeoh

May the flow be with you – Modelling Hydroecological Risk (#320)

10:30 AM
Douglas Green

Saving Native Dwarf Galaxias While Controlling Invasive Mosquitofish: Taking Advantage of Local Adaptations To Variable Habitats (#321)

10:30 AM
Rhys A Coleman

Tracking the movements of three key recreational fish species in a south-western Australian estuary (18724)

10:30 AM
Daniel Yeoh

Discrimination and prediction of three tropical mackerel species based on otolith morphometrics (18869)

10:30 AM
Lenore Litherland

Catching the uncatchable with respondent-driven sampling: a new approach for surveying ‘hard-to-reach’ components of recreational fisheries (18920)

10:30 AM
Shane Griffiths