Scientific collaboration in freshwater science — ASN Events

Scientific collaboration in freshwater science (#48)

Stuart Bunn 1
  1. Griffith University, NATHAN, QLD, Australia
The Cluster demonstrates a new model for collaborative research in freshwater ecology in Australia.  The Ecological Responses to Altered Flow Regimes research Cluster has brought together researchers of freshwater ecosystems from seven of Australia’s leading research institutions to address a key knowledge gap in freshwater ecology:  how do organisms respond to changes in the river flow regime? The many advantages of collaborative research include promoting scientific synergies and establishing the critical mass required to address large-scale issues.  There are also a range of challenges, some of which are generic to large collaborative projects and others which may be specific to collaborative research in freshwater ecology in Australia.  This presentation will draw on experiences from the Cluster and describe aspects of collaborative freshwater science that are successful and those where outcomes can be improved.