Jane McMillan — ASN Events

Jane McMillan

St. Francis Xavier University, CAN, Canada

  • This delegate is presenting an abstract at this event.
Dr. L. Jane McMillan is the Canada Research Chair of Indigenous Peoples and Sustainable Communities and Associate Professor in the department of Anthropology at St. Francis Xavier University. She is a cultural and legal anthropologist with a specialization in Indigenous law. Methodologically she supports collaborative participatory action - community driven projects. Jane has worked with Mi’kmaq communities for over 20 years, conducting ethnographic research, policy analysis and advocating for Aboriginal and treaty rights, community based justice, customary law, culturally aligned resource regulation, economic development and governance. As a former eel fisher and one of the original litigants in the SCC Marshall decision (1999), she follows with special interest the significant changes that have occurred in Mi’kma’ki as a result of the renewed recognition of treaty and Aboriginal rights. Recent projects include Seeking Netukulimk, Addressing Mi’kmaq Family Violence, the Truth and Reconciliation Commission Atlantic National Event and the Marshall Inquiry Recommendations Review, which uses a community engaged approach to evaluate the implementation and efficacy of the 82 recommendations of the Royal Commission on the Donald Marshall Jr. Prosecution. Additionally, Jane teaches Mi’kmaq and Indigenous studies, trains and supervises student research, is a member of the Indigenous Peoples Research Cluster and the Committee for Aboriginal and Black Student Success. She is President of the Canadian Law and Society Association, coordinator of the Law and Indigeneity Collaborative Research Network of the American Law and Society Association and a member of the Mi’kmaq / Nova Scotia / Canada Tripartite Forum Justice Committee.